Be Cute ♡ Be Scary: April 2014
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Wednesday 16 April 2014

♡ Spreepicky Review April 2014 ♡

Hello everyone! I hope you're all well!
It's been quite busy this week with reviews (☉‿☉✿) but I'm hoping to have a haul up & some other content up soon! 
So today I'm reviewing a store you may of come across on here before called Spreepicky. 

For those who aren't particularly sure of what Spreepicky;
Spreepicky is a shop ran on Storenvy which offers a wide variety of clothes, wigs & accessories! The store is actually ran by the same people who run Taobaospree ( which is a Taobao agent ) & the items which are featured on the Storenvy are the ones which seem to be the most popular amongst Taobaospree Customers. Most items I would say are aimed to those who are into Lolita, Fairy Kei etc. What is great about  Spreepicky is that pretty much all items have FREE Shipping for them!

Now this time from SpreePicky, I actually purchased something for myself & SpreePicky gave me a few gifts!

♡ Stock Photo ♡

So the item I bought was this 'BoBon21 Floral Suspender Dress', I saw this on someone else & immediately fell in love! I love floral prints and thought this would be perfect for Summer & Spring. Unfortunately this is sold out, but hopefully this review will give you an insight on the quality of BoBon21's products & SpreePicky's services! 
Now the dress itself was around $40.00 & came in only one size.