Be Cute ♡ Be Scary: August 2014
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Friday 29 August 2014

♡ Syndrome.storenvy Review ♡

Hello cuties! Today I'm going to be reviewing a store which I'm really excited about!
Today I will be introducing you to the store Syndrome; an storenvy located in China which sells clothes, accessories, jewellery, wigs & more! I'd be really surprised if you couldn't find anything that was to your style on there, there is so much variety & on top of the amazing products they also ship internationally. I was really glad when I found out I could work with Syndrome, I've ordered from them before so was already a big fan.
The owners at Syndrome let me pick out an item to review from there store, it was hard to choose but I finally settled on this:

Monday 25 August 2014

✿ Choies Review ( Gingham Dress ) ✿

Hello dolls! 
It's been a while since I've done a Choies review but I'm back today to review to items I was sent! 
For those who don't know about Choies, they're an online store which sell clothes, accessories, makeup, jewellery & shoes! They have very good prices for their clothes & do worldwide FREE shipping! They always seem to have good offers on as well! 
So lets begin!

I think it's obvious why I chose this! This is currently $24.99 & once again is one-size! It was also available in blue but it currently Sold Out! 

Saturday 23 August 2014

♡ My trip to Florida 2014 ( Photo Heavy ) ♡

Hello everyone! Today I thought I'd take a tiny break from my reviews & do something a little bit different.
As you know, I took a three week break from blogging ( & my 'normal' life ) as I was away in America! Me & my family all took a holiday in Florida, we actually went to three different parts of Florida so we could experience different things. This post is mainly about the first week as that's the week I got most of the photos & actually did the most. I did upload the photos to Facebook, but of course, since a lot of you don't have me added, I'm going to upload most of them here!


Our journey began on the 11th of July, this meant missing school for me which was great, aha! Our flight there was meant to be straight forward, arrived at around 10:00am, then fly at 2:45pm & arrive in America in the evening. Instead our flight got delayed by two & a half hours, which meant we had to stay in the airport for ages. To make things worse, we had to queue up for another hour & a half to actually get on the plane & another half hour or so before we set off ( considering we were last on the plane as well ). The only thing which made the plane better was the good in-flight movies; I ended up watching Catching Fire, The Book Thief & Divergent on the way there, and the fact that we were sat across from no one! This may not seem so great to some, but for me & Robyn it was great, we get very anxious not knowing who we're going to be sat across from ( as weird as that sounds ). But we did end up in Florida really late, not to mention we had to actually make it to our first villa - put it this way, we ended up food shopping at midnight & eating McDonalds at 12:40am. It was exhausting, BUT I guess worth it as the next three weeks were amazing!


♡ Downtown Disney ♡

The first place I actually took photos at was Downtown Disney. We had never been there before, but it was a nice experience, it's mainly shops & restaurants, but there is other stuff too! It's also free entry which is great! 

Monday 18 August 2014

✿ PinkyParadise review - Vassen Bambi Queen Violet & G&G Shinny Aqua✿

Hello everyone!
Today I'm back with a lens review for the online store PinkyParadise
If you're a regular in Lens buying then you'll most likely know about the store, but if not then to put it simply, Pinkyparadise is probably one of the biggest lens stores you can come across! They stock many different brands, prescriptions, sizes & colours ( including Scleras ) & even offer makeup! 
I was very pleased when they said I could do a review for them, I know many who have had good experience with the site & am proud to tell you about my experience! 
For this review I got sent two pairs of lenses! 

♡ My lenses were wrapped in bubblewrap & came undamaged! With my lenses I got two cases, what I love about PinkyParadise is the cases! I got a little pig one & a hippo one! So cute, I also was sent some pink hair velcros, which are useful for when putting in lenses & doing your makeup! ♡


Friday 15 August 2014

♡ SheInside Review ( White Strap Dress ) ♡

Hello everyone! 
I hope you're all well, It's been a while since I've blogged, but I can happily say that I'm back from America & now getting on with some reviews! ( there will be other content as well ).
Today I'm going to be doing another SheInside review for you! I would of reviewed this during July but it came only a few days before I was going away so I had no time!
So for those who don't know about this store; SheInside is an online store which sells a huge variety of clothes, makeup and accessories. They also offer FREE Shipping and always have a good offer on!
Once again SheInside let me choose one product! 

I didn't own a plain white dress before so I thought this would be a cute addition to my wardrobe! It's currently on sale for $19.58. Unfortunately for some though it's only available in Large now! Be careful to check your measurements though, I get the feeling this dress runs a bit small! ( only a little )