Be Cute ♡ Be Scary: ♡ The worst & best year of my life | 2015 Summary ♡
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Wednesday 13 January 2016

♡ The worst & best year of my life | 2015 Summary ♡

I hope you all are well and have had a lovely Holidays; whether you celebrate Christmas or not! 
I was surrounded by love and food so have never been happier. I am also hoping/ planning on doing a Christmas Haul too so keep a look out for that.

So we are now in 2016 and if I'm honest, it feels so weird. Whilst scrolling through my Facebook Newsfeed and Twitter Timeline, I too, wanted to post a summary of my year. But honestly, trying to sum up such a hectic year in a short status or 140 characters isn't ideal. I need to express myself in some way, so thought why not, as my first blog post of this year, talk about 2015. 

I have said to many people that 2015 was not only the best, but also the worst year of my life so far. It doesn't really make that much sense to some, but it's the only way I can describe it. So many good things happened. For a start, I started exercising and have toned up and lost weight. To most it won't look like I have, but I've noticed changes in myself and has helped so much mentally, giving me more confidence than I ever had. This is such a big deal to me personally as I've always had self confidence issues (believe it or not), so it makes me so happy to see that I'm starting to love myself. Along with that, I went on Holiday with two of my closest friends to Lisbon (which you can read about here), this also helped play a big role in my confidence, but I felt it also bonded me and my friends for a lifetime and made me appreciate them more than ever -despite us all going to University, we still remain close. University is another great thing which happened in 2015, I'm finally excelling in something I am so passionate about and have managed to make new friends, which, I didn't think would actually happen. 

Other smaller things which makes 2015 great are developing my own sense of style, becoming better at piano, meeting Dan and Phil on their TABINOF Tour, Year 13 Leavers Ball, Hyper Japan 2015 Summer Event & Fashion show with Ethan and Robin, Hyper Japan Christmas Market, doing my first Children's Party as a Disney Character, Summer 2015 in general (going out with friends etc.), Halloween, Christmas and NYE.

However, whilst there is not a load of things which went 'badly', it still affected my year quite a lot. For a start my Grandma passed away. Which was hard because it happened during my A2 exams, so I was never really given a chance to grieve. Plus, University was also a negative aspect in the fact that it made my mental state become a lot worse again; to this day I'm still struggling mentally. I'm not going to focus too much on this side though as I do like to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. Hence why I'm not going 'too deep' into these issues. 

So now to 2016. 
I just have this hunch that this year is going to be great, well, as long as I make it great. I don't have a lot of resolutions apart from I want to carry on being happy with my body and working out and to try and stay on track with my work. I recently went to see the doctor about my mental health and will be going again so I can help myself and make the most out of this year. Self help is so important so I am so proud of myself for taking small steps. 

Another thing I really want to start during 2016 is my Youtube Channel. Me and Robin got Studio Lighting for Christmas so I really hope to make some videos. Meeting several Youtubers last year  also really inspired me, so I feel like I need to start now! I will speak more about it soon though, I really want to do a What I got for Christmas Video and 2015 Favourites but I feel like it will be 'too late' by the time I do it. Tell me what you think? 
Leading on from that, I am going to America again for three weeks this year so hope to vlog and film over there.

I'm also hoping I do more Cosplay in 2016, I kind of fell out of love with it last year. Which made me really sad. But with the amount of stress which went on I just felt that there was no time. I really want to do a load of Disney Cosplays this year, such as Princess Jasmine, Kida and Megara. I also want to do Wuya, Chel and Hyrule Warriors Zelda. But I won't get too ahead of myself yet, if I can even do one or two of these then I'll be perfectly happy!

As for my blog, I hope I can post more like I mentioned in my previous post and add more variety! I have some fashion posts planned and am also hoping to *maybe* do a horror review section on here. If you have any request though too, then I'm totally up for hearing them! Same with Youtube videos, if you have any requests then don't forget to leave comments or tweet me or whatever!

So to end this blog post, I am going to share with you some photos which I have loved from 2015, enjoy and good luck with the new year! ♡

♡ Big Hero 6 Cosplay with Robin/ Birmingham Expo ♡

♡ Year 13 Leavers Ball ♡


♡ Summer 2015/ Nights Out ♡

♡ Lisbon 2015 ♡


♡ Hyper Japan Summer/ Melty de Granite Cosplay ♡

♡ Make-up Looks. Skull. Infected/ Zombie. ♡

♡ Meeting Dan & Phil at TABINOF Tour ♡

♡ Hyper Japan Christmas Market 2015/ Casual Lum Cosplay ♡


♡ New Years Eve ♡


T H E   B E A U T Y   B A N S H E E 

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